Sunday November 13th was Cohort 9's 3rd workshop. For the beginning of the workshop we were with Cohort 8. We started off with some icebreaker, to you know... Break the ice. Then our wonderful JC Jared Boretsky started off the tikoun olam discussion. He spoke about what tikoun olam is and that it's one of the four pillars of diller. We were then split up into groups, with a mix of Cohort 8 and 9 kids. We then continued our discussion on tikoun olam in smaller groups. After that we wrapped up the discussion and cohort 8 left. We had a short snack break. Then the committees did their updates.
started with a leadership program, which focused on another diller pillar. It stated off with
the leader game, where one person would go out of the room and then inside the
room we picked one leader who would start up different patterns (clapping
snapping etc.) and everyone else had to do the same, the person who went
outside had to figure out who started the pattern. After that we did a quieter
activity where everyone read questions. Every answer was highlighted in a
different color and each color corresponded to the same color bead. We would
put the colored beads on a piece of rope. We sat down and each color
corresponded to a different type of leadership. So we got to see more or less what
type of leadership everyone preferred. Once we knew more about our leadership styles, we did a discussion where Sarah made a statement about leadership qualities and we stood along a spectrum from Disagree to Agree. It was interesting to see how people's views differed and to argue our points. We wrapped up the program by considering some quotes about leadership from Yitzchak Rabin, Dr. Seuss, Rabbi Sacks, etc and discussing their significance. We then filled an endless survey and that
was the end of our 3rd workshop. Up next, our first shabbaton!
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